Children and elderly in Cuenca
At this home live children and elderly abandoned due several circumstances. A permanent staff guided by nuns take care of the children and the elderly by their necessities.
• Medical and Education program
• We seek to: volunteers with experience working with children or the elderly.
• Spanish level required: Basic (Level A2-B1)
• Minimum time: 2 weeks
• Other requirements: None
• Location: Center of Cuenca
• Activities: Tutoring, organizing activities, support day care
• Working days: Monday to Friday 12: 00-17: 30 for working with children. Volunteers are needed all day to care for the elderly. Open all year long
Project description
This house offers a home for orphans, victims of domestic violence, children and elderly who have been abandoned or separated from their families due to extreme poverty, addiction, terminal diseases, disabilities or abuse. The shelter is run by Catholic nuns. The mission of the house is to protect, improve the quality of life and provide a safe haven for vulnerable populations, especially women and girls.
These are the activities:
•Daily care
•Guidance of various fun activities for children and the elderly
•Making the beds
•Organizing outside activities
•People with medical knowledge can support the medical staff
How can you help?
Depending on the skills of volunteers, they can help organize fun activities for children, tutoring for homework, read the news to the elderly, or simply help in the daily care given company.
This project just requires a $50 administrative fee once. Additionally, we suggest you to do voluntary contribution for this organization.