Teach English in the Amazon Rainforest
The school Ottorino Todezcato in the Ahuano village, is located in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Napo province. It is a small rural town of about 1,000 inhabitants in the village center and about 1,500 more in the surrounding indigenous communities. The majority of the inhabitants are Kichwa indigenous people. Most of the community is bilingual, speaking Spanish and Kichwa.
The English classes offered at the school are taught by volunteers.
• Education Project
• We seek: enthusiastic volunteers with a minimum age of 18 years.
• Spanish level required: Basic (Level A2)
• Minimum time: 2 weeks
• Other requirements: Police record and CV.
• Location: Ahuano, Napo
• Activities: teach English 2 sessions per week to each group
• Workdays: Monday – Friday from 7:30am to 13:00pm. The school is opened from September to June. During vacations the community assist to English classes.
Project description
Volunteers will have to teach under their own initiative, following general guidelines on what should be taught at each level. Games, songs, and formal classes are part of the program. Volunteers must prepare class outside working hours.
Usually the day begins with the volunteers preparing their classes; they also can do this the day before. Then, in the morning, they will have to go by bus, bicycle, truck or taxi, or walk to school in the town. The day of school classes begin at 7:45 am until 12:45pm. Throughout this time volunteers give their classes in accordance with a schedule established by the school.
Classes last 45 minutes twice a week, which are 1 hour 30 minutes per week to each group of about 30 students. The number of lectures to be delivered per day is flexible and these depend on the energy and motivation of each volunteer, but a minimum of 3-4 hours (45 min each) of classes per day is expected, 3-5 days a week.
These are the activities:
You can choose to help in one of the following activities
•Teach English in the primary and high school
•Support the teachers work.
•Workshops with teachers.
•Development of English workshops.
How can you help?
You can be a temporary teacher of groups of 30 students. The children who go to school are bilingual natives. They speak Spanish and Kichwa. Also, there are other ways you can help. You can collaborate with the teachers staff with their work and plan workshops for the children.
It is not necessary to bring anything to the community but if you like, you can bring any type of donations to the community (clothes, toys, shoes or anything you consider may be helpful)
This project does not require a payment just you energy and desire to help. We suggest a one time voluntary contribution of US $50-100.